Latest Posts - page 19
Dash Documentation Browser
This post is part of a periodic series about The Tools I Use.
Next month will mark 13 years at my current job. I’ve had the same manager for all of those years and three of my teammates have been there as long or longer than I have. But there have been changes, too. In my time, there have been four different CEOs and at least five different directors and/or VPs of R&D (my department).
Jujube: Ruby Front-End for jenkins-job-builder
[This is not an April Fool’s joke. I always publish my posts on Tuesday mornings, and this week’s just happens to be a release announcement. I considered delaying for a day, but in the end, decided to keep up my regular posting schedule.]
My Talk at MWRC 2014
Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity of speaking at Mountain West Ruby Conference 2014. I spoke on Affordances in Programming Languages.
Iterating Sub-Projects with Rake
Where I work, we use Rake as our main build tool.
How I Learned Ruby
I recently wrote about what originally drew me to Ruby.
This post is part of a periodic series about The Tools I Use.
This past week, the Ruby community has been mourning the loss of Jim Weirich. I never had the pleasure of meeting Jim, but did attend one of his talks. I also learned from some of the materials he generously shared with the world. I interacted with him a bit on a couple of Rake pull requests. And I was incredibly humbled and honored that he commented on a few of my posts here.
Software Development Reading List
While I graduated with a Master’s degree in Computer Science in the early ’90s, I didn’t start seriously studying software design and development practices until the mid- to late-90’s. I followed the rise of Extreme Programming (XP) and other Agile methodologies pretty closely, and still use them in my day-to-day work.
Packaging Principles Part 3
In my last two posts, I introduced Uncle Bob Martin’s principles for dividing classes into packages.