Latest Posts - page 24
Affordances: Literals
This post is part of an ongoing series about Affordances and Programming Languages.
Affordances: Per-Instance Methods
This post is part of an ongoing series about Affordances and Programming Languages.
Affordances: Named Constructors
This post is part of an ongoing series about Affordances and Programming Languages.
I have just released DebuggerProtocolPrompt, a Visualworks Smalltalk enhancement that prompts for a method protocol when defining a method from the debugger.
Double Agents: A Test Double Library for Visualworks Smalltalk
I have just released DoubleAgents, a library for creating “test doubles” in Visualworks Smalltalk.
Affordances: Specialized Collections
This post is part of an ongoing series about Affordances and Programming Languages.
Update: Video of John Pignata's Talk Available
Last week, I referred to John Pignata’s talk at Mountain West Ruby Conference 2013.
Affordances: Factory Pattern
This post is part of an ongoing series about Affordances and Programming Languages.
Affordances and Programming Languages
A good design communicates the intended use of an object. In the physical world, this communication is known as an affordance. Though he’s not the inventor of the term, I first encountered the concept in Donald Norman’s The Psychology of Everyday Things. This book is well worth reading if you design anything that other people will use, such as software.
SUnitTools-AutoTest: Run Visualworks Tests Automatically
I have just released SUnitToo(ls)-AutoTest, which automatically runs relevant SUnitToo tests whenever a method changes in Visualworks Smalltalk.