Upgrade Coming
In the next few days, I’ll be re-launching this blog on an upgraded blogging platform. I’ve done my best to keep all of the content and static page links the same. Please let me know if you notice anything broken.
There is a possibility that the Atom feed will have changed just enough to make feed readers think that all of the posts are new. If that happens, I apologize in advance for clogging things up with duplicates.
Since the email subscription is generated from the RSS feed, I plan to turn that off for the duration of the upgrade process so that you don’t get flooded with old e-mails. Don’t worry: I’ll turn it back on again before my next regular post!
If you normally read by coming to the site, you will notice some visual differences. If you have trouble finding anything, let me know. If you read via a feed reader or the e-mail subscription, you shouldn’t notice much change.
In case you’re interested, I’m moving from Octopress 2 to Octopress 3. The upgrade itself was relatively painless; re-creating the theme took the bulk of the time.
I’ll write more about the upgrade process in a future post. I think there are some interesting things to say about open-source software based on what I learned through this process.