Getting Testy: Steps
This post is part of an ongoing series about Unit Testing.
We’re building a simple command-line application that can do two things:
Convert an amount of money from one currency to another.
Show a list of all currencies supported by the application.
In the
last post
we finished test-driving our application from the outside in. We did
all of our unit testing in isolation using test doubles. We were
pretty careful to make sure that interfaces lined up properly by using
and friends. Now it’s time to see if the
application works properly when everything is hooked up.
We started this project by writing some Cucumber specs. Let’s get those running to see if our application is working correctly. As a reminder, here are the acceptance tests we ended up with:
Feature: Currency Exchange
Allow the exchange of amounts of money from one
currency to another.
Scenario: basic currency exchange
Given the exchange rate for 1 USD is 0.91 EUR
When I convert 100 from USD to EUR
Then I should get 91.00 EUR
Feature: Currency List
Show the list of supported currencies in alphabetical order
by currency symbol.
Scenario: currency list
Given the following currencies exist:
| symbol | description |
| USD | United States Dollars |
| CAD | Canadian Dollars |
| EUR | European Union Euros |
When I ask for a currency list
Then I should see currencies and descriptions in this order:
| symbol | description |
| CAD | Canadian Dollars |
| EUR | European Union Euros |
| USD | United States Dollars |
Cucumber Step Definitions
We need to implement the step definitions for these tests.
The Given
statements in both specs involve injecting currency data
into the system. We used VCR in our
unit tests to isolate them from the real external service. That seems
like a good approach here as well for the same reasons. We don’t
want our Cucumber specs to fail due to service outages or constantly
updating data.
The first decision we need to make is how we’re going to run our application.
We want these specs to be as end-to-end as possible, which suggests
that we should shell out to our main executable file and capture the
output using %x{bin/currencyfx}
or similar. However, VCR won’t
work this way - it doesn’t capture HTTP interactions that come from a
forked process like this.
There are some ways we could work around this issue, but let’s not go there unless we later decide we need to.
The fallback position is to use our CLI
object like we did with the
unit tests. This will run the application in-process allowing VCR to
do its thing, but still be very close to the outermost layer of our
Running the Application
Let’s start with the When
steps. That’s where we’ll run the
application, and also where we’ll get the VCR cassettes in place.
The first When
step is for performing conversion.
When(/^I convert ([\d.]+) from (\w{3}) to (\w{3})$/) do |amount, source, target|
VCR.use_cassette("open_exchange_rates/rates") do
@output = run_application(amount, source, target)
I’m not that fussy about the regular expressions I use in my Cucumber steps; I’d rather something simple that generally works than the perfect regex that no one can understand.
We’re assigning the returned output to an instance variable so that
our Then
steps can examine the output and make assertions about it.
It’s not a good idea to overuse instance variables in Cucumber steps,
but we need some way of capturing the output for the Then
steps to
Rather than immediately figuring out how I’m going to run the
application and capture its output, I’m writing this step as if there
were already a run_application
method that does exactly that.
This is a technique known as test first, by intention. The technique is described very nicely by Ron Jeffries, Ann Anderson, and Chet Hendrickson in their book, Extreme Programming Installed.
We can now write the run_application
method that we wish already
def run_application(*args)
capture_output { }
Once again, we can write the code assuming that there’s a handy
method available for our use. We’re using our CLI
object to do the work and using a
splat to collect all
of the arguments into an array to pass along, which is what will
happen when the real application uses ARGV
Finally, we have to write capture_output
def capture_output
original_stdout = $stdout
$stdout =
$stdout = original_stdout
This technique of capturing output isn’t really the point of this post, but it’s a reasonably common pattern.
We can write the When
step for the currency list feature using the
same helper methods.
When(/^I ask for a currency list$/) do
VCR.use_cassette("open_exchange_rates/currencies") do
@output = run_application("--list")
If we comment out the pending
markers in our other step definitions,
we can run these specs and see where we’re at.
Integration Errors
We immediately get an error: NoMethodError: undefined method '/' for
coming from our OpenExchangeRates
class. We’ve written
all of our code to expect a number for amount
, but our Cucumber step
is passing in a string.
This is why it’s a good idea to have a few end-to-end tests to make sure everything is hooked up correctly.
We need to figure out where to fix this. Then we can write a lower-level unit test and fix the bug. We have a few layers we can choose from:
- The Cucumber step
- The
object - The
object - The
When we run the program by hand from the command line, the amount
going to be a string just like it is here. So the Cucumber step is
doing the right thing and has caught a real bug that would affect the
application in normal use.
It’s generally best to do all input sanitizing and normalizing at the
system boundaries. That way, the rest of the code can be written
confidently with the assumption that it will be called with the
correct arguments. Avdi Grimm’s excellent
Confident Ruby book (highly
recommended) has a great section title called “Guard the borders, not
the hinterlands”. By that guideline, the CLI
object is the right
place for this work. Let’s look at our CLI specs again:
context "when exchanging currency" do
let(:arguments) { [100, "USD", "EUR"] }
it "displays the converted amount and currency" do
allow(exchange).to receive(:convert).with(100, "USD", "EUR") { 91.87 }
expect { run_cli }.to output(/91.87 EUR/).to_stdout
This spec is written to pass in a number, not a string. Let’s change that and see if we can get the unit test to fail.
context "when exchanging currency" do
let(:arguments) { %w[100 USD EUR] }
it "displays the converted amount and currency" do
allow(exchange).to receive(:convert).with(100, "USD", "EUR") { 91.87 }
expect { run_cli }.to output(/91.87 EUR/).to_stdout
Here, we’ve updated arguments
to take all strings using Ruby’s word
array (%w
) syntax. Note that we don’t update the allow
we’re saying that the CLI
will take a string but will still pass a
number to the exchange
. That’s exactly the behavior we want.
This spec now fails because exchange
is receiving a message with
unexpected arguments. We update the code to convert the amount to a
and try again. The test passes and we can jump back out to
the Cucumber level.
Checking the Output
Let’s flesh out our Then
steps. We’ve captured the program output
into the @output
variable and we can use RSpec expectations to check
Then(/^I should get ([\d.]+) (\w{3})$/) do |amount, currency|
expect(@output).to match /#{amount} #{currency.upcase}/
We don’t care about the exact format of the output; we just want to be
sure that it gives us the correct converted amount and the destination
currency. We can use the match
matcher and construct a regex out of
the provided amount and currency.
Running the spec gives an error because our expected amount doesn’t match. This is because we’re not yet injecting the exchange rate into the VCR cassette, so we’re just getting back whatever the exchange rate in the cassette happens to be.
Let’s write our other Then
step and then deal with the injection
This step is a bit trickier, because we need to take a table of expected symbols and descriptions and match that against the output. The step also says that order matters, so we can’t just do a bunch of separate assertions.
Here’s one way to do it.
Then(/^I should see currencies and descriptions in this order:$/) do |table|
expected_output = table.raw[1..-1].map { |row| row.join("\\s+\\|\\s+") }.join("\\s+\\|.*\\|\\s+")
expect(@output).to match(/#{expected_output}/m)
I’m not particularly pleased with this code, but I don’t have a better option yet. We’re converting the table into a multi-line regular expression that is then matched against the output.
To build the regex, we skip the header row of the table with
. For each row, we expect the symbol to appear,
followed by any amount of whitespace, followed by a vertical bar
), followed by more whitespace, followed by the description. We
then join the rows by expecting more whitespace and another vertical
bar to finish off the current row, any number of intervening rows, and
then a vertical bar and whitespace to start off the next expected row.
This spec also fails, but this time because our injected currency descriptions don’t match the ones returned by the external service.
It’s time to figure out the injection issue.
Injecting Data
In order to keep these specs robust and repeatable, we need to be able
to inject fake data to be returned by the external service. As with
the specs we wrote for the OpenExchangeRates
API, there is a bit of
danger here because we’re not using the external service directly.
However, it would be difficult to write a meaningful fast, robust spec
that used the real external service.
Once again, we’ll take advantage of VCR’s ability to use ERB templates in the response.
Starting with the currency conversion test, we’ll edit our saved
cassette to replace the exchange rate for Euros with an ERB variable,
and then use the erb
option to inject the exchange rate.
Given(/^the exchange rate for 1 USD is ([\d.]+) ([A-Z]{3})$/) do |dest_amount, dest_currency|
@cassette_options = { erb: { dest_currency.downcase.to_sym => dest_amount } }
When(/^I convert ([\d.]+) from (\w{3}) to (\w{3})$/) do |amount, source, target|
VCR.use_cassette("open_exchange_rates/rates", @cassette_options) do
@output = run_application(amount, source, target)
In the Given
step, we create a Hash of options to be passed into the
VCR cassette. In the When
step, we use those options to perform the
ERB substitution.
Running this spec results in a new failure, because our output came
back as 91.0 EUR
, not the 91.00 EUR
that we were expecting. Yet
another bug caught by our Cucumber specs.
We’ll fix that in a moment; first, let’s finish fleshing out our steps.
In order to inject the currency list, we have to do more table conversion work and this time, it’s all going to have to be done in the ERB template.
First, let’s look at the steps.
Given(/^the following currencies exist:?$/) do |table|
currencies = table.raw[1..-1]
@cassette_options = { erb: { currencies: currencies } }
When(/^I ask for a currency list$/) do
VCR.use_cassette("open_exchange_rates/currencies", @cassette_options) do
@output = run_application("--list")
Again, we’re stripping off the header row of the table. We then
inject the raw table into the ERB template using the
instance variable.
I haven’t been showing the captured VCR responses, but this time I will so you can see what the ERB template code looks like.
encoding: UTF-8
string: |-
<% currencies.each_with_index do |(symbol, description), index| %>
"<%= symbol %>": "<%= description %>"<%= index == currencies.size - 1 ? "" : "," %>
<% end %>
This is mostly simple ERB code, but the logic to place or not place
the trailing comma is a bit ugly. We’ll live with it for now.
is a Hash, and we’re using Ruby’s
feature to split each entry into its key and value (symbol
With this code in place, the currency list spec is now passing correctly. Let’s go tackle our failing conversion spec now.
Fixing the Formatting Bug
The formatting bug isn’t really an integration bug; we just caught it because we used a nice round number in our spec.
What happened is that we missed a couple of cases when we wrote the
unit tests for the CLI
object. Let’s go correct that oversight now.
The obvious case we missed is when there are no cents in the converted amount. But this also makes us think of the case where there are fractional cents in the converted amount. We need to handle both cases.
After writing tests for the new cases and doing a bit of refactoring, we end up with this spec.
context "when exchanging currency" do
let(:arguments) { %w[100 USD EUR] }
let(:converted) { 91.87 }
before do
allow(exchange).to receive(:convert).with(100, "USD", "EUR") { converted }
it "displays the converted amount and currency" do
expect { run_cli }.to output(/91.87 EUR/).to_stdout
context "when the converted amount has fractional cents" do
let(:converted) { 91.86598 }
it "rounds the converted amount to the nearest cent" do
expect { run_cli }.to output(/91.87 EUR/).to_stdout
context "when converted amount has no fractional amount" do
let(:converted) { 91 }
it "still displays two decimal places" do
expect { run_cli }.to output(/91.00 EUR/).to_stdout
Notice how I’ve extracted a let
for the converted amount, allowing
each context to override that to show exactly what’s different about
that context with a minimum amount of noise and duplication.
I could have wrapped the first it
block in its own context
, but I
couldn’t think of a good when
statement for it, so I left it alone.
Both of these new specs fail. After a few simple changes in CLI
, we
get them both passing. We then pop back out to the Cucumber specs and
they are all passing as well.
We now have a functional command-line application that implements both of our features. Time to celebrate a bit!
OK, celebration over. Changes are coming.
With this currency exchange example, I’ve demonstrated the approach I prefer to take when test-driving my applications. I’ve explained much of my reasoning along the way, but let’s perform a couple of thought experiments regarding potential changes to this application.
New External Service
If we need to switch to a new external service in order to get our exchange rate data, we’d need to:
Test-drive a new subclass of
for the new service. This subclass needs to implement the two methods defined by the abstractAPI
base class. -
Modify the
’s default API to point at the new API. -
Capture a set of VCR cassettes for the new API to use in the Cucumber specs. The specs themselves won’t change, but we’ll have to modify the step definitions to use the new cassettes. Depending on how different the new cassettes are from the current ones, we might have to tweak the ERB substitutions a bit.
That’s it.
The executable doesn’t change.
The Cucumber specs don’t change; the step definitions get a bit of tweaking, but probably not much.
object only changes to point at the new API
and the API
base class don’t change at all.
We add new code and specs for the new API
We add new VCR cassettes for the new API.
None of the existing unit tests change.
New Front End
If we need to replace our command-line front end with a web-based front end, we’d need to:
Test-drive the web front end, using a test double of the
class. These tests would be similar in spirit to those for theCLI
object. -
Modify the executable file to launch the server instead of running the command-line application.
Modify the Cucumber step files to access the web front-end instead of running the CLI. The
steps are what would likely need to change.
Again, that’s it.
The executable changes to start a server instead of running a command-line.
The Cucumber specs don’t change; the step definitions do.
We add new code and specs for the web front-end.
, the API
class, and its subclasses don’t change.
The VCR cassettes don’t change.
None of the existing unit tests change.
Overall, the code is pretty resilient to change. More importantly, the tests are very resilient to change. We have to add specs for new classes, but we are not changing any of our unit tests or Cucumber specs to support these new features. That gives us a lot of confidence that the changes we make don’t break anything.
This concludes the currency exchange example.
Throughout the example, I’ve been showing the development of the two features in parallel. In a real development workflow, I’d have built the entire currency conversion feature outside-in first, then I’d have come back and built the entire currency list feature outside-in.
I developed them in parallel during this series just so I could illustrate the various layers with a couple of examples.
I’ve made the code available on GitHub. Feel free to play with it. In order to run the actual application, you’ll have to get your own API key for the Open Exchange Rates API. See the README file for more details.
I have a few more testing topics to cover in the upcoming posts.