Last week, I attended the last-ever Golden Gate Ruby Conference in San Francisco. The conference organizers announced at the conference that this is the last year for this conference.

I had a wonderful time and got to meet many new, interesting people and connect with some old friends.

I spoke about refactoring legacy code and received a lot of great feedback. Unfortunately, I delayed the conference about 20 minutes or so when my laptop refused to properly recognize the projector that it had been perfectly happy to talk to the day before. Thanks to an emergency save by another speaker (thanks, Nathan!), I was able to continue.

I will write up a summary of my talk here soon, but for now you can see the slides at SpeakerDeck and the code on GitHub. Confreaks recorded everything, and they will post the videos in the next few weeks. When the video is up, I’ll post a link here.

If you saw the talk and have feedback, I’d love to hear it. You can contact me directly, or leave feedback on SpeakerRate.

Thanks so much to the organizers and sponsors of the conference. It was very well-run. As a speaker, I felt very well-taken-care-of.

While I’m sad that this will be the last GoGaRuCo, I’m hopeful that something new will spring up in its place.