Affordances: Named Constructors
This post is part of an ongoing series about Affordances and Programming Languages.
Every object-oriented language provides a way to construct new instances of a class, perhaps by passing in some parameters. In many languages, there is a single, canonical way to do this.
In C++, we define one or more unnamed constructor methods:
class Point
Point(double x, double y) :
Point(const Point& other) :
// ...
double x;
double y;
Point p1(4.5, 42.1);
Point p2(p1);
We don’t actually need to define the second (copy) constructor here, because the C++ compiler will generate it for us, but I include it to show that there can be more than one constructor, as long as they all have unique signatures.
Ruby is similar, in that we define an :initialize
class Point
def initialize(x, y)
@x = x
@y = y
# ...
p1 =, 42.1)
What if we also wanted to be able to create points using
polar coordinates?
In both Ruby and C++, we can no longer use the standard constructor
mechanism, because we have no way to tell if we’re being passed
rectangular or polar coordinates. In C++, both constructors would
have the same signature, and in Ruby, we can only have one
In both of these languages, it is possible to use the Named Constructor Idiom:
class Point
static Point rectangular(double x, double y)
return Point(x, y);
static Point polar(double r, double theta)
return Point(r * std::cos(theta), r * std::sin(theta));
// ....
Point(double x, double y) :
double x;
double y;
Point p1 = Point::rectangular(4.5, 42.1);
Point p2 = Point::polar(4.5, 42.1);
class Point
private_class_method :new
def self.rectangular(x, y)
new(x, y)
def self.polar(r, theta)
new(r * Math.cos(theta), r * Math.sin(theta))
def initialize(x, y)
@x = x
@y = y
# ...
p1 = Point.rectangular(4.5, 42.1)
p2 = Point.polar(4.5, 42.1)
In C++ and Ruby, the named constructor idiom is not obvious to new programmers. It’s not a hard idiom to learn, but it isn’t the “happy path” way to do things, so it isn’t as common in those languages.
In Smalltalk, however, all constructor methods are named
constructors. For constructors that take no arguments, using
is the convention, but it’s really just another method.
Our Point example would look like this in Smalltalk:
Point class>>x: x y: y
^self basicNew initializeX: x y: y
Point class>>r: radius theta: angleInRadians
^self x: radius * angleInRadians cos y: radius * angleInRadians sin
Point initializeX: anX y: aY
x := anX.
y := aY
p1 := Point x: 4.5 y: 42.1.
p2 := Point r: 4.5 theta: 42.1
So, Smalltalk affords the use of named constructors, which makes them relatively more common in that language than in other object-oriented languages.