A Mock Too Far?
I’ve long felt that the use of a lot of mock objects and other test doubles was a sign of a design smell. I would occasionally hand-build a test double for the rare case when I couldn’t find a better way, but I’d always look for a different option.
More recently, I’ve read Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided By Tests by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce, and Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer by Sandi Metz. Both books are excellent, and I highly recommend reading them. Both books also advocate the use of mocks and other doubles, and both make a compelling case. So, I’ve decided to re-evaluate my position and apply some of the techniques I’ve learned to some of the code I write.
In particular, I’ve been trying to use Sandi’s “rules” for testing, roughly paraphrased as:
- Test incoming messages for state.
- Don’t test outgoing query messages; use a stub to return any values needed to make the tests pass.
- Test outgoing command messages using mocks.
- Don’t test messages sent to self (a.k.a. private messages).
I’ve been using these rules to good effect in some code I was developing. I’m definitely encouraged to keep applying them and learning from them. However, I ran into one case where I think this approach went a little too far.
When learning a new idea or technique, I often find it helpful to over-use it for a brief time. It’s hard to know where the line is if I don’t cross it, and I can often push a new technique much further than I originally expected.
I was developing a Smalltalk interface to a piece of hardware. This hardware exposes a number of registers. Control registers are used to ask the hardware to do something, or to set a value that the hardware will use. The hardware reports information back to the software in status registers.
Sometimes, these registers are paired such that a request to a control register is acknowledged by a response in a corresponding status register. The typical pattern with these paired registers is to make a “synchronous call” to the hardware. That is, to make a request and wait for the hardware to respond in the status register before proceeding. There needs to be a timeout to keep the software from blocking indefinitely waiting for a response that never comes.
Because this is a common pattern, I decided to encapsulate it in a
class, RegisterPair
. I’d really like a better name, but no one on
our team has come up with one yet. My best option so far is
, but that comes from watching too much Phineas and
Ferb with my kids, and doesn’t really communicate the intent of the
I made use of ControlRegister
and StatusRegister
classes I’d
already developed. These classes are implemented as valuables; that
is, they make use of the common Smalltalk idiom of using #value:
set a value, and #value
to get a value.
Given those classes, I test-drove an implementation of RegisterPair
using mocks and stubs. In our code, we use SUnitToo and a
locally-customized version of the SmallMock package from the
Cincom Public Store Repository.
I ended up with the following tests:
Smalltalk.Hardware defineClass: #RegisterPairTest
superclass: #{SUnit.TestCase}
indexedType: #none
private: false
instanceVariableNames: ''
classInstanceVariableNames: ''
imports: ''
category: ''
| statusRegister |
statusRegister := StatusRegister stub: #value with: [42].
ControlRegister mock: [:controlRegister | controlRegister value: 42]
[:controlRegister |
| pair |
pair := RegisterPair control: controlRegister status: statusRegister.
pair request: 42]
| statusRegister |
statusRegister := StatusRegister stub: #value with: [24].
ControlRegister mock: [:controlRegister | controlRegister value: 42]
[:controlRegister |
| pair |
pair := RegisterPair control: controlRegister status: statusRegister.
pair request: 42 expecting: 24]
ControlRegister mock: [:controlRegister | controlRegister value: 42]
[:controlRegister |
StatusRegister mock:
[:register |
mockReturn: 0;
mockReturn: 42]
[:register |
pair := RegisterPair control: controlRegister status: register.
pair request: 42]]
| statusRegister |
statusRegister := StatusRegister stub: #value with: [0].
ControlRegister mock: [:controlRegister | controlRegister value: 42]
[:controlRegister |
| pair |
pair := RegisterPair control: controlRegister status: statusRegister.
pair timeout: 1 milliseconds.
self should: [pair request: 42 expecting: 24] raise: RegisterTimeout]
| statusRegister pair |
statusRegister := StatusRegister stub: #value with: [24].
pair := RegisterPair control: nil status: statusRegister.
self assert: pair status equals: 24
When I was finished, I looked at the tests. It seemed like there was too much noise, and they weren’t as clear as I liked. There is certainly some duplication that could be extracted. That might help, but it might also make the tests less understandable. I could also do some additional work on SmallMock to make it less verbose. Having played with some Ruby mocking libraries lately, I have some ideas on how to go about that, but I didn’t want to shave that yak here.
So, I took another run at it, this time using the existing
as a duck-typed stand-in for the registers. Since
is also a valuable, this works pretty well. I kept
one of the mocks in #waitsForStatusRegisterToChange
, where the value
returned by the status register has to change in the middle of the
Here are the new tests:
Smalltalk.Hardware defineClass: #RegisterPairTest
superclass: #{SUnit.TestCase}
indexedType: #none
private: false
instanceVariableNames: 'controlRegister statusRegister pair '
classInstanceVariableNames: ''
imports: ''
category: ''
controlRegister := 0 asObservedValue.
statusRegister := 0 asObservedValue.
pair := RegisterPair control: controlRegister status: statusRegister
statusRegister value: 42.
pair request: 42.
self assert: controlRegister value equals: 42
statusRegister value: 24.
pair request: 42 expecting: 24.
self assert: controlRegister value equals: 42
StatusRegister mock:
[:register |
mockReturn: 0;
mockReturn: 42]
[:register |
pair := RegisterPair control: controlRegister status: register.
pair request: 42]
statusRegister value: 42.
pair timeout: 1 milliseconds.
self should: [pair request: 42 expecting: 24] raise: RegisterTimeout
statusRegister value: 24.
self assert: pair status equals: 24
I’m happier with this latest version. I’m still using test doubles; they just happen to be instances of an existing class in the system that shares the interface I need.
Since I wrote this code, I’ve done some work to make our mocking library less verbose. I have more to do, but I’m finding that I like the tests better when less of their surface area is taken up by the mock code.
I expect I’ll have more to say on this topic as I gain more experience with it.